Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 1

What a day of roving the nation's capital! We were everywhere. We had video shoots in front of the Capitol, the Library of Congress and at Arlington Cemetery. This evening half the boys sang at the Library of Congress for a Dianne Feinstein event while the other half went to a bowling alley in Fort Myer, where we are staying.

You should see the size of the gymnasium where there are 50 or so cots laid out in the huge space. It's warm, comfortable and the food in the Mess Hall is very good.
The Marines want to give the boys a physical work out. Boys are in two minds about this.'s FREEZING cold here!!!!
Thank goodness for the warm clothes and scarves and hats. They are ALL wearing them to keep warm.

Everyone is fine, all arrived safely and so far no problems.

Just a short blog, I'm exhausted.

Tomorrow we're heading south to Baltimore to video us singing the national anthem outdoors (that's where the words were written, I'm told.)

More tomorrow if I can find time in this schedule.

Anyway, thanks for reading.


  1. I say work them out! When else can you get Marine facilities and actual Marines to be your personal trainer? Good luck.

  2. Ian,

    Thank you for the blog! I know that you are super busy, but this means so much to us to hear how the boys are, and where they have been and are going,

    Here is a link to share with the boys, and let us know if the layout of the inauguration is correct in this legoland inauguration display at Legoland. It looks like the choir is to the right, and on the TV spot they have boys in grey and girls in red outfits for the choir.

    If the boys were told they would get to ride in a tank, they would work out all day! They need to have the full military experience regardless.

    Tell Ethan hi from his mom and family, and to take lot of pictures!

    Karen Durrant

  3. Ian,

    This is a better area with 2 pictures showing the SF Boys Chorus and the SF Girls Chorus at the Legoland Inauguration at Legoland CA. Even better, they are singing with Aretha Franklin, accompanied by Yo-Yo ma and others! You all are famous to be in lego.


    PS I am using Ethan's gmail to post-he is not online in DC!

  4. thanks for the post, Ian! Do let us know how many pushups they manage! Josh Reinier's great-grandfather Marvin Girardeau is buried in Arlington cemetary- I'm sure he enjoyed the boys lip-synching today. Our cousin is in Baltimore so if you know when/ where you will be there, please post so we can tell her! Josh's cousins Janine and Sophia would love to check that out! Tell Josh his parents are leaving for Washington tomorrow and we can't wait to see him at the inauguration and send him love and hugs. You all were on the SF Chronicle front page today! - Catherine Girardeau

  5. You all were on the cover of the San Francisco Chronicle today! Have a great experience! Charles Warren, Wade's Dad.

    PS please post some pics to Flickr!

  6. Thank you so much for the blog Ian. Ryan is over the moon. Tell him hello from his family and we are so proud him. I can not express gratitude enough for you and Elaine.

  7. KQED in the Bay Area ran an NPR segment around 1:30 pm PST previewin one of the song the boys will sing on Tuesday. Excitement is building!

  8. Thanks For the Photos. The boys look liking they are having a blast. I say let them be good guests and do the Marines workout. They are wonderful ambassadors for the City of San Francisco and the State of California.

  9. We were in DC today and happened to catch the sound check! It had just started to snow and we heard angelic voices rising over the U.S. Capitol Building. We rushed around to the back and saw you all rehearsing on the West Terrace.
    The amplification was perfect! We didn't have binoculars but think we saw Joshua. Tell him we will be in the North standing area, to his right as he looks out at the crowd. You are all amazing and we are SOOO proud!
